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San Antonio advertising agencies have been, for the longest time, trying to crack the algorithm set by Google when it comes to a Google My Business Listing. Sure, keywords like “San Antonio SEO” are great when it comes to being found in searches, but how in the world do you get your Google My Business Listing on the FIRST page of the list, but more importantly, how do you get your business listing to the top 3 spots in the map listing? Here at Accelerated Digital Marketing, we are not just some fly-by-night San Antonio advertising agency. We have perfected our strategy when it comes to ranking your business on Google My Business Listings.
40 years ago, it was advisable that when you open your business, the name was the most critical. Back then, it was advisable to start your business name with a letter early in the alphabet. The reasoning behind this was simple. Up until the technology boom, everything was done on paper, including marketing. One of the first things that a new business owner did was call the local phone company and have their listing added. Then once a year, all of the listings were published. If the cut-off date to be listed in a printed phone book was December 31, and you opened your business on January 1, chances are, you would have to wait an entire year to have your phone number published.
The option for 411 was still available, but 40 years ago, calling 411 for information was not always free with your phone service. Some phone companies charged anywhere from $0.25 to $0.90 just to get one phone number. Payphones were plentiful and nearly every payphone had a phone book. The phrase “Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares” became popular, as most payphones were only a quarter to call someone, locally of course. Long-distance was not included in most phone plans. People had a long-distance plan. Popular plans allowed for so many MINUTES of long-distance for a set price.
With advances in technology, the phone book is obsolete. Who needs a phone book when you have Google My Business? So, what exactly is a Google Business Listing and how do you get one? Simply put, a Google My Business listing is a new-age form of a phone book, with some improvements, of course. Instead of flipping through pages, HOPING that someone that can fix your tire is open on a Sunday, you have a magical device at the touch of your fingers. Google is a new-age business directory. You can search for businesses ANYWHERE in the world and not pay a dime to get information.
This benefits a business in several ways. The first benefit to a Google Business listing is that it is free. Yes, that is correct. A Google My Business Listing is absolutely free. There are not too many things in this world that are free. With that being said, however, free does not always mean perfect. There is a method to an effective Google My Business listing. Most people think that it is simply entering your name, address and picking a couple of categories. While those steps are included, those are not the only things that you can do to fully maximize your Google My Business Listing. In order to fully maximize your Google My Business Listing, you must enter specific keywords, STRATEGICALLY place them in specific places, and hope that Google does not reject your listing. So how does one master this Google My Business Listing algorithm to allow you to be found first by potential clients? While it is not as easy as starting your business name with an “A”, accomplishing first ranking is possible with the right Digital Marketing Agency San Antonio. Instead of making a mistake that isn’t so easy to buff out, call us!
Right out of the gate, we are going to rev up that big block and fast-track your digital marketing San Antonio. Right out of the gate, we are going to hit our Nitro Boost and thrust you ahead of the competition. We will leave that competition sitting back at the starting line, coughing on our fumes! We don’t sit around and wait for results like some of the other advertising agencies in San Antonio. While they are watching your competition’s website rank at a comfortable 55 in the slow lane, we are thrusting your website ahead and ranking at the speed of light.
Looking for a Digital Marketing Company willing to go the extra mile? Let us send you some FREE tips on better ranking your current website and if you need help getting on page 1 of Google we can help you and we guarantee it. If we can’t dramatically increase your organic ranking on Google in 90 days or less we will refund 100% of your SEO money. File out the form below to get your FREE Tips.
Accelerated Digital Marketing
8715 Data Point Dr. Suite 1707
San Antonio TX 78229